Wednesday, 7 July 2021

We need a brand new earth ..........!

 Eternity needs a sky...Let the golden rainfall......Have a world without the corona....     ........Covid has changed how we work, play, and learn: Schools are shutting,  leaves single decrease in the number of reaches you have each day with family members, with companions, associates, in school will essentially affect the capacity of the infection to spread in the populace," gues have been dropped, and numerous individuals have been approached to work from home....... The Health Resources and Services Administration cautions that loneliness can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Feelings of isolation and loneliness can increase the likelihood of depression, high blood pressure, and death from heart disease.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "Is trust — the greatness of trust — attractive? Then, at that point, human life should continually be gone up against with instabilities and intermittent vulnerabilities." Why do the honest endure? ."More...

Being a decent individual doesn't shield us from challenges, nonetheless, think about this: 

"The best difficulty of the universe is never to have been beset. Humans just learn astuteness by encountering hardship." More... 

"Quite a bit of what a human would call best of luck may truly be a misfortune; the grin of fortune that presents unmerited recreation and uncalled for abundance might be the best of human difficulties." More...                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .

"In liaison with God, nothing—absolutely nothing—is impossible." 

The period of frustration with no income in life runs with anxiety. The heart is unable to bear the load...!                                     More pain in the body or more mental pain...?                                                                            All the people of the world should breathe happiness!!!                                     Is the world a Prison?                                                                          Time has changed here and there are no tears left....!                        To be handed down for the soul peace of all beings....!                      Come run that moon, Chase less darkness...!                                       Have a disease-free life....!                                                        We must pray to the Lord that all the people of the world may live well.                                                                                                               


About Olive Oil That May Surprise You!!!!

  Italy and the United States are the biggest importers of olive oil. Olive oil from other countries is hugely popular in Italy and the Unit...